Are you gearing up for a sale in the new year? Do these things now!

Are you gearing up for a sale in the new year? Do these things now!

Christmas is a time for family and getting together. It is the one time of the year that everyone switches off, and the whole family can spend some real time together, longer than just a weekend. And it is at this time that plans for the year ahead are discussed. Read this article if you are planning to sell your home in the new year.

In the days after Christmas, after you've wound down from the pre-Christmas work rush and you've had your fill of chocolates and turkey, talk inevitably turns to plans for the following year. Those plans that have been percolating in the back of your mind all year about moving house come to the fore.


It could be that you thought about moving a few months ago but decided to shelve those plans until the New Year. Christmas is such a busy time that moving is a huge task to add to an already extensive to-do list.


Perhaps you've known for years that your home is no longer suitable but have been delaying the move as long as you can. Whether it's a little too small for your growing family or you need a change of location, it's no secret that selling your home is a huge undertaking, so it's little surprise that many of us put it off.


For most homeowners coming to the market for sale, for whatever reason, your home is no longer the perfect space for you. You might have done a little renovation, planned a revamp of the kitchen, or redecorated the lounge to spark your love for the property again, but ultimately, your time is up in this property, and you need to start making plans to move to pastures new.


If you asked any homeowner, they would likely want to sell their home for the highest possible price. However, an overcrowded, unloved, and possibly half-decorated home will not inspire a new buyer. It won't sell the dream that your home is perfect for them, and it won't stand out for the right reasons in a crowded property marketplace. So, if you are planning to sell your home in 2025, you can use these last few weeks of the year to your advantage and get your home looking gorgeous and ready to sell.


Where should you start?

  • Spend your Christmas break getting the house ready for sale - For many people, there is a period of trying to improve before eventually deciding to move. This could mean you have tell-tale paint swatches of the colours you might have painted a room or samples of wallpaper you're considering. It's best to paint over these and present the property as a cherished and welcoming home rather than somewhere you're unsatisfied with. This is not to say that you haven't loved your home, just that it no longer fulfils your requirements. With this in mind, it is best to get those odd jobs done that you've been putting off for years, touch up any paint scuffs, and get your home looking its best.


  • Consider your financial position - knowing where you stand financially is vital before you embark on selling your property or purchasing a new one. Speaking to an independent financial advisor can help you understand your affordability and set your budget for your new purchase. Make sure to look at your savings and outstanding mortgage, either based on your most recent mortgage statement or you can contact your lender for an up-to-date figure.


  • How much equity do you have? This is the difference between the amount of money you owe on your mortgage and the property's estimated value. To do this, you can either arrange a valuation of your property or, if you're not quite ready for an in-person appointment at your home yet, try an instant online valuation. With a few simple clicks, you will receive a ballpark figure for the value of your property in just 60 seconds.


Of course, the most accurate option would be to have an experienced property valuer visit your home, but an online valuation is a great place to start. Simply visit our website to locate the instant property valuation link, or get in touch with our team for help.

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